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Hatfield, PA

Hatfield Township needed a way to manage township assets, as well as a permit management system capable of creating, tracking, and distributing township permits to their residents and contractors. TRAISR provides an "all-in-one" tool for the whole township. 

Hatfield chose the Asset Centrl module for infrastruture asset management and visualization of current and future asset needs. The module includes a document management system that allows users to upload images and documents to an asset. These images and documents can easily be synchronized with ArcGIS online for viewing on a mobile device. Asset Centrl also allows for the addition of any new asset type, should the township wish to expand their scope of asset management.

McMahon was able to migrate Hatfield’s existing permitting types and structure using Permit Centrl which allowed for the expansion and improvement of the permitting work flow. TRAISR also allows for the creation, customization, and modification of permit types, which offers an added level of autonomy to the end user.

Hatfield also used Web-based GIS to locate township features, such as a bridge, trails and traffic signals for management and maintenance. 


  • Asset Centrl

  • Work Centrl

  • Fleet Centrl


  • Manage Township Assets

  • Permit creation, tracking & distribution to residents & contractors

  • Needed a way to use GIS without purchasing expensive software

  • Tracking parcels/addresses for new development


  • Web-Based GIS

    • Allowed for mapping new assets throughout the township, but also tracking new development and multiple tenants through the Parcel data.

  • Electronic permitting and inspections

  • Monthly reporting

  • Mailing labels

  • Building & fire inspections

Aaron Bibro - Hatfield Township Manager


"The big advantage McMahon has is that they’re already familiar with the municipal business. They are our township’s engineering firm. They understand our space so that helped them tailor the TRAISR software to municipal operations.

It’s a nice design, which is aesthetically advanced, while being easy to use. For the most part I was able to get on and start using the software immediately without a lot of training. There are other GIS programs out there that aren’t user friendly and require hours of extensive training.”

TRAISR is sophisticated enough to do it all with one piece of software rather than piece-mealing it together with a several other programs.

It is a great team. The TRAISR team has bent over backward throughout the entire process of implementing and training the staff here in Hatfield. And have really invested the time and resources to ensure that its staff can respond to all of our needs quickly."

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