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Citizen portal mapping
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Connecting Local Government with Local Citizens 24/7

Recent challenges have highlighted the importance of providing a direct connection between municipal management and residents. With a few clicks, the Citizen Centrl module of TRAISR allows managers to share critical information, such as in snow emergencies, and provides a portal for direct requests from residents 24/7 on necessary repairs and permit needs that are automatically added to a central database, without re-entering by staff.


  • Provide public facing, map-based portal for citizen information

  • Display real-time data during snow storms and other special events

  • Receive citizen feedback & input for process improvement

Citizen Centrl Highlights

  • Service requests integration with Work Centrl

    • Provide feedback to requests

  • Online building permits & contractor registrations



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Permit applications can now be submitted and paid for online using Citizen Centrl’s Online Permit Portal.  Designed to mimic what the internal staff uses, it offers an easy-to-navigate public facing permit application process that allows residents to fill out forms online and submit applications seamlessly into Permit Centrl.  Applicants can submit documents and plans for review, look up contractors that will be doing the work, and pay application fees with a credit card. 

The integration of the portal with Permit Centrl allows the staff to interface with applicants in order to solicit further information on incomplete applications, request additional payments after their internal review, and even email the permit to the applicant when issued. 

See what we did for Bonita Springs

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Other Features include:

  • Custom workflows and forms per permit type

  • Required fields, required document submission

  • Online contractor registrations

  • Detailed text instructions on each page to guide applicants through their application

  • Automated emails to applicant upon completion and successful payment

  • Multiple rounds of payment based on project and process

  • Ability to check status of their applications during processing

  • Integration with our partner MuniciPAY, or your preferred online payment processor



Highlighted Features include:

  • Allows for login or anonymous issue submission

  • Submissions can include photos

  • Ensures issues submitted are located within jurisdiction

  • Allows for display of additional GIS layers

  • Available on all devices – computers, tablets, smartphones

  • Email notifications to citizens and all staff involved

  • Search by address or by clicking on a live map

  • Specialized routing to groups or individual staff by issue type

  • Options to show status of existing/past issues

  • Can also be used internally to facilitate requests for service between departments

The Citizen Reporter applications in Citizen Centrl provide direct channels of communication between citizens and the organizations upon which they rely.  Easily customizable, location-based issue tracker provides a simple and precise resolution of resident issues that is timely and transparent. 


Service requests are directed to supervisors, or staff in the field, for prompt response and email notifications that keep everyone informed. 


All of this data helps managers identify problem spots in town, with infrastructure or with service providers, track labor and materials costs associated with requests, and track turn-around times.


The reporter builds on processes already in place within Work Centrl so it requires no additional training or functionality for internal staff. 

See what

we did for Middletown, PA

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Citizen Centrl allows anything or everything in TRAISR to be shared with the public at your direction. 


If you’re using GPS Centrl to manage snow removal or leaf collection, your progress can be shared to your constituents in a way that suits you.  View it one way for management internally and another on the web.  Tailor the experience to match what matters most to whomever is looking – live locations of vehicles and up to the minute updates by road segment for managers and foremen who need that data, final cleanup or time of last pass for residents who are only interested in when their streets will be plowed.  Keep your drivers and workers safe by monitoring their location without putting them at risk on the road.   The flexibility of Citizen Centrl lets you decide who sees what and how. 

Communicate road closures and snow emergencies in real time or simply let people know when their leaves or trash will be collected, the data is there – you decide how to make it work best.

See what we did for
Upper Uwchlan , PA

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Citizen Centrl - Resident Portal Software 

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